Nowadays, global trade portal provide B2B services according to customers needs. Global B2B portals are necessary for international enterprises. Web-based applications provide construction or maintenance trade and accessibility to access trade special information. Business to business portal is a more effective engine to promote trade.Sellers and buyers are the most components in global B2B portal. Today every customer needs to use a place where they go and easily sell or buy business products. Portal techniques also save you important time and money. International trade provides different products or services with affordable costs. Today In a competitive market you need to find fast and relevant business portals with important features.Business Trade portal features:
Multiple language support
Large facilities provide for importer and exporter.
Popular relevant Searches
Advertising management
Buyers tools
Sellers tools
Registration form real time validation
Unique site colors, icons and graphics
Multilevel categories for convenient browsing
Effective company profiles
New sell offers
New buy offers
24 Hours help line services for different different products
If any problem then quick Contact us form for getting feedback from visitors
Password retrieval system
Provides real time services to access data and complete trading communication
Secured user access
B2B portals provide many business services like product suppliers, manufacturers, import and export business services. This provides very useful services to the customer. If you want to improve your business fast and save time or money then you need to select international trade portal services.
Author Archives: admin
Mixing Digital Photography, Scrapbooking and Journaling
What a powerful mix when you combine digital photography, scrapbooking and journaling! But where do you stand on the great scrapbooking controversy? That’s the controversy around digital or computer generated journaling versus handwritten journaling.Purists who take their scrapbooking very seriously argue that journaling must be done in your own handwriting, since it represents you and who you are. Others favor digital journaling. They point out that handwriting is sometimes less than exemplary and that the quality of the scrapbook is improved when the journaling is accomplished courtesy of a computer and printer. It’s your call. There’s no right answer here.However, it doesn’t have to be “either/or”. There is a third choice.
Did you know that you can duplicate your own handwriting in a digital picture? Yes, your own handwriting! Not just a fancy script font that looks a bit like your handwriting, but your own handwriting.You will need an item called a Wacom art tablet. Check them out at The tablets come in various sizes. A small 4″ x 5″ tablet with pen costs about $85 at Amazon and works quite nicely for our purposes. Once you become familiar with this item, you will use it regularly when editing your digital photography.Wacom tablets are computer peripherals. They resemble small writing pads that you attach to a computer port, or connect wirelessly if you have that capability. You will notice that a special pen comes with the tablet.This pen is a mouse in disguise. You hold it like a pen and then by placing the pen’s point on the art tablet, you can use it for all the regular mousing functions.However – and this is the important point – the tip gives a much finer connection than a mouse provides. Also, you can adjust the pen for several levels of pressure.These two features allow you to create handwriting.It works like this: you open your digital photo editing software. Open a new file, creating whatever color background you want. Next, locate the toolbar and select the pencil tool or a tool that allows you to draw freeform lines. Change the color to whatever color you want the writing to be. Then, holding your mouse/pen the same way you hold a pencil, WRITE (or print) your journaling on the Wacom tablet.You now have a digital image file containing your own handwritten journaling. You can print it out as is, or copy and paste it into any other image. Since this is a digital image, you can resize the image to get any size handwriting you want.Later, when you become skilled at using the Wacom tablet and pen, you can write your journaling directly on your digital photography.How cool is that?The sky’s the limit when you combine digital photography, scrapbooking and digital journaling.
Introduction to SEO For Real Estate Agents
These days most businesses understand that a website is a necessary tool for their business. The first mistake they make however, is that following the initial investment in getting the website set up, they fail to do what is necessary to make it a profitable addition to their marketing arsenal.Yes they add the website address (URL) to their business cards and letterheads and even include it in their conventional media advertising in newspapers and magazines. But what the vast majority then fail to do, is promote it through the one medium that it was originally designed to be of use in – the internet.After spending what may amount to several thousand Euros or dollars they sit and they wait. And they wait some more, wondering why their investment in new technology isn’t producing any returns. At this point some will start to look into the matter, many though will just avoid the issue believing that as it is not a core function of their busines, it has already taken up too much time and effort to be worth pursueing and relogate the subject to an expensive ‘must have’ expense that produced no returns.One fact is true. A website is not a one off expense. To produce a viable return it needs to have time and investment continually allocated to it. Like a child, it must be nurtured until maturity, at which point it will become a productive addition to the business. Even if this responsibilty is out-sourced to a specialist, in line with the analogy of appointing a nanny to a child, a member of the business should be appointed to oversee the specialist and learn the basic principles of what is needed so that the specialist can be monitored for their success. You wouldn’t leave a child in the care of a nanny until its 18th birthday without some kind of supervisory role. In the same way, do not pass off the responsibilty for your website and be surprised if at the end of the contract with the specialist it has produced no results.The occupation of promoting a website is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO. It is a time intensive, multi-faceted role that is forever changing as Search Engines modify and alter the algorithms they use to decide who should appear on the pages of their search results. The simple fact that the likes of Google and Yahoo do not release the rules they apply in their decision making process means that by definition it is not an exact science. If you don’t know whether you must shoot under, or over the bar to score points, means that the best results are usually achieved if you have someone who has played the game for a while on your side. Their knowledge of what has worked in the past and continual emersion in the game is your best chance of predicting where the shots should be placed.The alternative is to spend the time necessary playing the game yourself. Whilst this can be done, it should be remembered that you still have a business to run and to achieve a reasonable level of success, it would not be viable, nor a wise allocation of resources to do this yourself.SEO is time and knowledge intensive, so appoint someone in the office who has a basic understanding of the internet and allocate them some time each week to work with and learn from the professional you appoint. Meet with them on a regularly scheduled basis so that progress can be monitored and their knowledge can be absorbed. Do not be afraid to ask the questions that your lack of knowledge may throw up. A professional SEO who doesn’t want to answer your questions is not someone you want to employ!Finding your SEO professional can be a task in itself. How do you appoint someone to a job for which you have little or no insight yourself? The answer is to absorb some of the basics relating to SEO and then apply the general rules of success in your business to them.The first of these seems simple enough. What is it that you want to achieve from your website? This may sound simple but is in fact the hardest question to answer. Many companies see a website as an extension of their corporate identity. These are usually larger companies with an extensive marketing budget. They are more interested in the style and design of the site than its productivity and can afford to pay the ever increasing cost of Pay per Click advertising on the Search Engines to attract visitors to their site.If you fall into this category then you will be looking for a completely different type of help and should search for someone with skills in Search Engine Marketing or SEM. An SEO on the other hand is someone who deals with the natural search enginge results. These tend to produce more productive visitors than pay per click and once positions in the natural results are achieved, the flow of visitors will not cost you a fee for each visitor to your site.The end result for most businesses is a sale. In Real Estate, this can be measured by several different things. In the US for an example there is a distinction made between the buyer agent and the sellers agent. A listing or sellers agent maybe more interested in attracting sellers than buyers to their website, which may be geared more towards their marketing experience.A buyers agent will have very different goals. And many will want to attract both buyers and sellers. Here again, establishing the goals and markets you wish to attract as visitors to your website before you employ someone to achieve them is paramount. If you do not know what you wish to achieve, you can hardly expect your SEO to outline a strategy to achieve it!Once set, you are ready to find your SEO. So what do you need to know about achieving your goals and how your SEO can help?